Install SQLDeveloper
1 Unzip to folder ~/java/
2 Provide path to JRE
mkdir ~/.sqldeveloper/
echo "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/" > ~/.sqldeveloper/jdk
run SQLDeveloper from the shell
cd ~/java/sqldeveloper && chmod ogu+x && ./
3 Import connections to DBs.
Right click over "Connections" root node in Connections view - "Import Connections". 2 RI: Please add latest connections config here
Connections file is here:
Configuration of SQLDeveloper:
0) If you have problems with rendering please change Theme to "Classic 10.1.3" in Tools/Preferences ... Environment.
1) Change auto formatting in SQL Developer - menu tools/preferences in tree "code editor/Completion Insight"
unselect "Change case as you type"
2) Tools/Preferences tree Databases/NLS property "Date Format" make as "YYYY-MM-DD" and update other date-time formats too by this.
3). install third-party Driver, for example MySQL
goodlink, MSSQL
Download driver
MySQL site.
Download MSSQL driver:
JTDS site
All drivers:
Tools:Preferences menu, Database -> Third Party JDBC Driver .
Viewing Multiple Tables
You can have tabs open for more than one table. Just click the Freeze View button (it looks like a push pin) when you are viewing a table; and when you click to display another table, the tab for the first table will remain open.