Monday, October 29, 2012

Demand GoToMeeting support for Linux

GotoMeeting does not support Linux at all, even Wine and  CrossOver does not help.

Please help to raise question for support again and again, fill form:

Friday, October 26, 2012

Location of visualvm.conf in ubuntu for Java VisualVM

Sun Java 6 VisualVM
Sun Java 6 Monitoring & Management (VisualVM)

In doc we have <visualvm_installdir>\etc\visualvm.conf

so for linux/ubuntu it is:


to avoid OutOfMemory on heap dump ivestigation you can change in visualvl.conf
for default values "-J-Xmx256m" to "-J-Xmx4G"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Turn off sound in Krusader on delete operations in Ubuntu

Sounds are not configured in Krusader, but in common KDE settigns. To manage them install KDE system settings, source:

sudo apt-get install system-settings

Launch system-settings from terminal, and navigate to KDE Workspace settings.
Remove "Play sound" selection from event:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mongo: get all results to file instead of page iteration
paragraph "Differences between scripted and interactive / Printing".

connect to host:
> db.users.find()

to do the same from shell:

./mongo --quiet --eval "db.users.find().forEach(printjson);" > 1.txt

Attention: for prefix ".forEach(printjson);" without it you will get error like
DBQuery: mydb.users-> undefined 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Browser HL-4570CDW for Ubuntu 12.04

Drivers are not in ubuntu set of driver, need to be installed manually:

installed both packages by means of Ubuntu Center. Center show WARNING of package structure but still allow you to install. I continued installation - works fine.

After drivers are installed, driver could be seen(automatically picked up) from install printed wizard. Install driver before launching "Printing" application.

After "Print Test Page" is done - need to go to printer and press button "GO" on printer.
Printing from other application does not need this.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thunderbird: use MS Exchange address book

Thunderbird with LDAP, instruction.

It works fine on mine(under vpn):

Directory server property

Name: reveredata (or whatever you like)
Hostname: <servername>.<domain>.local
Base DN: OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=<Domain>,DC=local
Port number: 389
Bind DN: <domain>\<user name>
Use secure connection (SSL): not checked
Don't return more than: 200 results
Scope: Subtree
Search filter: (objectclass=person)
Login method: Simple

Thunderbird: Open link with different browser

I am just searching for convenient way to open links from Thunderbird in different Web browsers.

For FireFox there are good plugin Open With. I wish to have such addon in Thunderbird. I asked author   ... but no answer.

I in one year I searched the same problem and found a lot of requests/question for the same problem - :).

One of workaround that I use now -

Copy paste from this forum:

* Navigate to "Edit --> Preferences --> Advanced" in the Thunderbird menus and click on the "Config Editor" button.
    * Search for the following three entries:
          o network.protocol-handler.warn-external.http
          o network.protocol-handler.warn-external.https
          o network.protocol-handler.warn-external.ftp
    * Set the value of each of these three entries to true (you can do this by double-clicking on each entry, then close the "about:config" window and click "OK" on the "Thunderbird Preferences" window).